2023 Year In Review
Sixteen teams went to Honduras in-person and bi-weekly telemedicine was provided to people living in poverty
in the Dept. of Colon, Honduras.
A total of 195 volunteers led the way to provide quality medical care during 2023. For 63 volunteers, it was their first time serving. Representing 20 US states, Puerto Rico, and Honduras, these volunteers have so much to be proud of.
Together we provided 7,821 primary care visits (in-person and telemedicine) and served 123 patients with medical referrals.
For the first year since COVID we were able to send 16 fully staffed teams. We built organizational capacity focusing on developing a better means of transporting much needed pharmaceuticals, empowering Honduran staff and volunteers, and training for US volunteers. We implemented a plan to recruit for more dental and vision care. We continued to utilize telemedicine to care for patients between in-person mission teams. We continued to improve the properties, including a complete renovation on the porch in Limón and the purchase of a new freezer.
Together we are helping our neighbors in Honduras become healthier and build a stronger community.
One mission. One vision. One team.
Together we make great things happen.
Take a look at a snapshot of our 2023.....