Mission News from Honduras

Overcoming An Obstacle Together

By pwsadmin | Jun 29, 2024

From our Spring 2024 Team Insider We’re thrilled to share a significant improvement in for mission teams that has already shown tremendous benefits: the consolidation of medication shipments to Honduras. By sending all teams’ medications together in a unified shipment, we’ve been able to decrease issues with customs and enhance the impact of our healthcare…

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Diabetic Patients Need Your Help!

By pwsadmin | Jun 28, 2024

Our diabetic patients in rural Honduras are suffering from chronic fatigue, heart disease, vision problems, chronic infections, neuropathy, and many other health issues. Their diabetes is uncontrolled, and the situation is dire. These patients have limited resources and inadequate access to monitoring. Even once diagnosed, they continue to suffer. But with your help now, they…

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Education Enhances Patient Health

By pwsadmin | Jun 26, 2024

From our Spring 2024 Team Insider Ask anyone who has been serving on a medical mission team for a while, it is clearly evident the medical work you provide has had a significant positive impact on the residents of the Dept. of Colón. Teams reportedly encounter much less malnutrition, parasites, and wound infections. But they…

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Setting Sites on Expanding Vision Care

By pwsadmin | Jun 23, 2024

From Our Spring Newsletter Whether it be the need for injury, cataracts, glaucoma, pterygium, or even simple reading glasses, the need for vision care in Honduras is evident. There are no options physically close to the Dept. of Colon, which adds to the inaccessibility and cost. For patients like Samuel, the lack of vision care…

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A Testimonial from Dr. Katie Hill

By pwsadmin | Jun 21, 2024

From our Spring 2024 Newsletter “I never imagined I would get to have continuity of care in Honduras, so it was an extremely gratifying surprise. I love that CHHF provides a model for sustainable care. A major concern with doing international medical work is that the benefit is mostly for the person doing it. With…

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Dedication Transforms Care

By pwsadmin | Jun 20, 2024

From our Spring 2024 Newsletter Your attention to providing quality care to patients in Honduras is evident every day. Teenage boys get hurt all the time, but in March, when 14-year-old Deiver came into the clinic after amotorcycle accident, his knee was deeply cut from one side to the other. The message received from the…

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Your Love & Support Brings Triumph Over Adversity

By pwsadmin | Jun 19, 2024

From our Spring 2024 Newsletter Xiomara knows that she can overcome any obstacle in life because she has you in her corner! Everyone fought so hard for Xiomara. She was born with a club foot, and her family never had the resources to help. The difficulty walking left her to drag her foot, causing a…

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5 Great Things – June, 2024

By pwsadmin | Jun 17, 2024

A Unique Opportunity to Bond Since the purpose of my position is providing remote support for the people working at the clinic, creating that sense of companionship requires a few more extra steps. Having the ladies from Limón working on the medicines and being able to help this week, gave a real chance to have…

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Sacred Connections – The Pulse of the Community (June, 2024_

By pwsadmin | Jun 3, 2024

Lift Up the Word – Lift up the World “Far be it from me that I should sin against the Lord by failing to pray for you” 1 Samuel 12:23 Please Pray with Us The Selley Team is currently in Honduras. They are having a good, yet hot, week. Please pray for their safe completion…

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