Xiomara knows that she can overcome any obstacle in life because she has you in her corner!
Everyone fought so hard for Xiomara. She was born with a club foot, and her family never had the resources to help. The difficulty walking left her to drag her foot, causing a series of infections. Her foot was infected when she went for the consultation, and after more than six weeks of antibiotics in the hospital, the infection spread. The only option was to amputate.
Through it all, Xiomara felt your love and support. She knew you were with her, and that helped her fight.
She faced this challenge like she had faced trying to walk every day—with courage far beyond her years! This spring, your financial help allowed Xiomara to receive a prosthetic and a brace, allowing her to walk without crutches.
“Thank you so much,” Xiomara said that day. “You give me the opportunity I always dreamed of. I am learning to walk regular.”
“Without your support to send my daughter to the surgeons, the infection would have killed her. We are so grateful for your support. You make it possible for Xiomara to grow up and be a strong woman with a good future. You are a blessing.”