Lift Up the Word – Lift up the World
When you pray, He listens.
With praise and thanksgiving they sang to the Lord:
“He is good;
his love toward Israel endures forever.”And all the people gave a great shout of praise to the Lord, because the foundation of the house of the Lord was laid.
Ezra 3:11
Please Pray with Us
Two Medical Mission Teams will travel to Honduras in September. The Edwards Team from Mocksville, NC travels to Honduras on September 6 and the Jordan Team from New Hampshire on September 20. Please lift our mission teams in prayer, asking for safe travels, good health for all members, and success in the important work they will be doing.
Please pray that all of our services, including in-person mission teams, telemedicine, and community development, are guided to help those in greatest need at the times they need it most.

Praise God for COMMUNITY.
Digna presented with a sever ulcer on her leg. This open wound has the potential to worsen quickly. Fortunately, our medical referral team was able to reach out to a partner organization and their providers were able to help quickly.
Please pray for Digna as she heals, for the providers and volunteers who worked so quickly to provide help, and for the resources to continue to provide for her and the others like her in desperate need of medical attention.

September 10th is CHILDRENS DAY and throughout Honduras (and many other countries), children will be celebrated all day! Please spend time this day praying for the children of the world. Pray to keep them healthy and help them to thrive; pray that are protected and are given the start in life they deserve.
Pray for the wonderful work being done by thousands of mission team members to improve the health of children in Honduras and around the world. Bless ever pair of hands that work to improve the lives of these children in need.
Pray for children around the world that they would grow up knowing they are loved by Jesus. Pray that they are blessed with opportunities to see the work of God in their community and that as they grow, they will be able to change lives for others in their communities too.
Please pray for positive health outcomes for…
- Darwin, who as a growing boy still continues to fight against sickle cell anemia.
- Josué Jimenez who will have another surgery this month to fix a cleft palate.
- Our Digna, who is scheduled for her cancer recheck this month.
- Keren as she travels to receive an ultrasound that will provide much needed answers.

CHHF will be hosting our second Community Walk fundraiser on October 5. This is the first time we are recruiting both in-person AND virtual walkers – so everyone can participate!
Please join and pray for the success of the walk, specifically that we can recruit 100 participants and raise at least $25,000. The walk will help us recruit new team members as well as help decrease the fundraising deficit we are concerned about.
Please pray for our CHHF Committees – that the work they do benefits the medical care of the Honduran people and strengthens the mission.
Please pray for our medical mission friends throughout the world. We value the work they are doing and appreciate their friendship, support and wisdom.
Continue to pray for the safely and health of our friends in Honduras and in the United States.
Thank you for faithfully supporting CHHF.
“Pray as though everything depended on God.
Work as though everything depended on you”~ St. Augustine