Sacred Connections: The Pulse of the Community

When you pray, He listens.    

For God is not unjust so as to overlook your work and the love that you have shown for his name in serving the saints, as you still do. And we desire each one of you to show the same earnestness to have the full assurance of hope until the end, so that you may not be sluggish, but imitators of those who through faith and patience inherit the promises.

Hebrews 6:10-12 (ESV)

Please Pray with Us

Please pray with us for those impacted by Tropical Storm Helene. Several of our team members live in the affected areas. Those who have reached out to us are overwhelmed with the devastation in their community but have assured us they and their families are safe.

Our last Medical Mission Team will travel in October. The Altman Team has 20 members and will travel from October 18-26. They will split the team to go to provide for the remote villages before the long winter. They also have a maintenance team who will work on building projects. Please lift our mission team in prayer, asking for safe travels, good health for all members, and success in the vital work they will be doing.

Please pray that all of our services, including in-person mission teams, telemedicine, and community development, are guided to help those in greatest need when they need it most.

Praise God for Commitment to the Community.

Three medical students in Honduras have received Eduardo Dubon Memorial Scholarships from the foundation. All three young men are working hard to complete their education, learning as much as possible so they can work in their communities. 

Please pray for Rafael Cabellero, Ramon Urrutia, Manuel Euceda (pictured working with a mission team last year) and their fellow classmates as they learn how to medically help their community. Please pray that every medical student is provided quality internships with strong mentors. 

Prayers for sickle cell anemia patients around the world. Sickle cell anemia is most prevalent in those of African descent and affects the Garifuna population living within villages in Colón. 

Currently, the foundation provides Hydroxyurea medication via the medical referral program for seven patients, including Darwin, pictured. This medication helps prevent serious symptoms, such as pain crises and acute chest syndrome, and can also improve anemia. Please pray for their continued health. 

Please pray for positive health outcomes for…

  • Suany, an infant who is malnourished and is not reaching developmental milestones
  • Fernando, a 16-year-old with a mass on his neck. 
  • The man in Limón suffering from seizures. His family cannot get him to come to the clinic, but he is struggling every day. 

Recruitment for 2025 Mission Teams has begun. Please pray for each team to recruit the right team for the needs they will face. We have begun outreach to dentists in hopes that at least 50% of the teams can provide much-needed dental care to the community. Please pray that the dental community will open their hearts and make the trip. 

Please pray for our CHHF Committees. May their work benefit the medical care of the Honduran people and strengthen the mission.

Please pray for our medical mission friends throughout the world. We value the work they are doing and appreciate their friendship, support and wisdom. 

Continue to pray for the safely and health of our friends in Honduras and in the United States.

CHHF will be hosting our second Community Walk fundraiser on October 5. This is the first time we are recruiting both in-person AND virtual walkers – so everyone can participate!

Please join and pray for the walk’s success, specifically that we can recruit more participants and raise at least $25,000. The walk will help us recruit new team members and decrease our fundraising deficit. 

Thank you for faithfully supporting CHHF. 

“What an excellent ground of hope and confidence we
have when we reflect upon these three things in prayer
– the Father’s love, the Son’s merit and the Spirit’s power!”

~ Thomas Manton
