Your Gift Makes Double the Impact
Dear Friend,
With a generous $17,500 pledge to match your donation, you will bring twice the impact to
hurting patients in desperate need. Your gift from the heart will bring the hope of healing and relief to someone in need in remote Honduras, showing them, they are not alone and their well-being matters.
Patients in rural Honduras urgently need your help. Many are in desperate need of advanced care they simply do not have the means to attain. The cost of care, averaging $77, is more than a month’s wages for many—a hurdle they cannot overcome alone. Your gift today will create a lasting impact.
Let me tell you about a little girl your gift can help—4-year-old Aitana.

Aitana lives with her mother, Norma and three siblings in the remote village of Punta Piedra on the northern Caribbean coast of Honduras. She arrived at a mission clinic with her mother, who was deeply concerned. Aitana was always tired and struggled to breathe—symptoms her other children had never shown.
Norma is deeply worried for her little girl’s health, but she didn’t know where to turn for help. As a single mother of four, Maritha makes works hard doing laundry and cooking for others in her village, but that barely sustains her children.
Upon examination, the medical mission provider was concerned. She heard a murmur that was concerning and referred Aitana to a pediatric heart specialist.

The referral to see a specialist filled Norma with worry. She knew that to get a proper diagnosis, she and Aitana would need to take two buses, traveling over three hours to reach a pediatrician in
Trujillo—a trip that will cost $24.43.
But that’s only the beginning. For a full examination by a pediatric cardiologist, they will have to travel even further to La Ceiba, a two-day journey with transportation alone costing $35.90.
With no family nearby, Norma relies on her church community for guidance and support, but they can’t help her financially. Now, facing Aitana’s urgent need for this critical care, Norma needs your help more than ever. Your gift now will make it possible for Aitana to get the life-saving diagnosis she needs.
Will you be there for Norma and other mothers like her this holiday season?
Norma doesn’t have access to a cell phone, so all communication with her goes through Pastor Roberto at the local church. I spoke with Pastor Roberto recently, and he shared his deep concern for Aitana and other children in the community who need urgent medical care. He asked that I share this message:
“God bless you, my brothers and sisters. You travel from so far to help us here in Punta Piedra and in the small villages of Honduras. I thank God for every medical team that comes, but there is so much more need—people who are suffering with no hope of care. I pray that God will move your hearts to keep helping us in our time of need.”
Your support today, will answer this prayer, ensuring Aitana and others receive the care they need.
You have the power to provide life-saving medical care for Aitana and other children like her. Thanks to a generous match, every gift up to $17,500 will be doubled if received by December 31! That means your donation today will help twice as many people get the critical medical care they need.
Your gift is critical. With donor matching, you have the power to make a profound difference in the lives of those in need. A gift of $ 24.43 will help sustain the patient referral program – and when doubled it will serve 2 people in need of urgent care.
The holiday season is an especially difficult time to be sick or in pain. It’s even harder for those who can’t afford the care they need. For many, like little Aitana in the remote villages of Honduras, this is their reality without your help—sick, in pain, and feeling forgotten.
Friend, I know you care about the hurting patients in Honduras. That’s why I’m reaching out again to ask for a special gift today. Will you help bring the healing and hope that someone like Aitana so desperately needs and deserves?
The medical system in Honduras is very different from what we know in the United States.
Pediatric care is hard to find even in the cities for those who can afford it; for those living in remote areas and in poverty, it’s nearly impossible.
For Aitana and so many others, the obstacles to receiving essential care are overwhelming, often life-threatening, and can severely impact their futures. These are the people your donation
reaches, giving hope and healing where it’s needed most.
You can make a real difference this year. With a special holiday gift of $ 24.43 —doubled to have twice the impact—you’ll help Aitana, and others receive the life-saving medical care they desperately need.
This year, you will provide referrals to specialists, transportation to appointments, access to specialized medical care, and so much more. More importantly, you will be giving hope to someone in desperate need.
As we enter into a season of Thanksgiving, you and I take time to reflect on our many blessings. We know how precious our health and the health of our loved ones truly are. Today, I invite you to share that gift—the gift of health—with someone in desperate need. Your generosity will bring healing and hope to those who are waiting for care.
Aitana, Norma, and many others in Honduras are waiting for you.
Please click here to send your gift today to double your impact. Choose the gift that feels right for you and bring a blessing to someone in Honduras who urgently needs your support.
As we approach the holiday season, I wish you and your loved one’s peace, joy, and many blessings. Thank you for your generous support and for making a difference in the lives of those who need it most. May this season be filled with warmth, gratitude, and the spirit of giving.
With hope for the people of Honduras,
Christine Mitchell
Executive Director
PS – Please don’t delay. Send your gift today to have it doubled now (before the end of December, 2024). During this season of giving, the impact you began will continue to improve the lives of people desperate and hurting. Can I count on you to send your gift today?