CHHF Seeking Members for our Young Professionals Board
The CHHF Young Professional Board is an important step in building a solid foundation for the longevity of the mission. We need young professionals to dedicate 2 hours a month to help us start this board.
- We need your perspective!
- This is one step to continue to make a difference for the long-term sustainability & growth
- It’s an opportunity to raise money for young professionals’ scholarships or something else the group feels passionate about
- This board will provide professional growth for people who love the mission (because we love them back).
The board will meet bi-monthly via zoom to fulfill the following goals:
- Train young in key nonprofit board activities
- Help build the CHHF Leadership Pipeline
- Expand CHHF’s networks, helping to reach new people interested in serving the mission
- Promote a culture of innovation, collaboration, and growth
- Develop a sustainable YPB
The YPB will help our young professionals, too! We know involvement will….
- Help stay involved in the mission that you love
- Provide valuable Leadership Training!
- Raise money to assist other young professionals to attend mission trips
- Provide professional growth opportunities
- Gain easy access to mentors in your field
- And help you with your college applications, medical school interviews, while looking great on your vita, LinkedIn Page, resume, etc.
Our first meeting will be Monday, February 24th at 7pmET via zoom. If interested, please contact Christine Mitchell at [email protected]
Click here for more info.

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