Things start moving fast in March. Not only do we all gain more sunlight this month than any other this year, we are getting into the groove of this year’s schedule. We have 18 mission teams planned, with two days of telemedicine the weeks in between. That’s wonderful news for the people in Honduras!
Spring is fast approaching and there are so many great things around the corner. If you have not chosen your Mission Team for the year, please visit the website to see the list of upcoming teams. Team leaders need you and they need your commitment now!
Importance of Continuity of Care

This sweet baby came to a telemed clinic last week. She was wheezing and congested. She hadn’t nursed in over a day. It’s so difficult when little ones just can’t tell us what is wrong!
Nurse practitioner Emily was able to help! She completed a thorough exam using the Blue Tooth equipment available with our TytoCare system. She was able to provide medication and gave the mom instructions to come back to the clinic in three days to be rechecked by an in-person mission team. Emily then sent the exam report to the incoming team, so they had all of the info.
When the baby and her mom arrived at clinic just three days later, she was a new girl! All smiles and giggles, the medication was doing its job well. Emily was updated about her progress and everyone was so pleased.
This is just a small glimpse of the quality care being provided because you have encouraged the mission to grow. You were there for this baby when she needed you!
Your donation today ensures hurting people have medical care available when they need it most.

New Appliances
The kitchen refrigerator spent the better part of last year leaking and was finally replaced in January. The old double deep freezer was not far behind and was replaced this week.
Just like in your house, there is always something to be replaced or repaired. In addition to the heat, the salty ocean air is not kind to appliances.
Also just like in your house, we all get pretty excited when we receive anything new. It freshens up the great room. It’s also wonderful to know that mission teams are provided for while they are staying in Limón!

Medical Equipment Needs Grow
Walkers, canes, transport chairs, wheelchairs, PETs. cruches – all vital medical equipment needs that require a lot of planning and expense to get from the US to Honduras to the patients coming to the clinics.
Board member Lou has worked for many years to ensure medical equipment is available for the patients you care so much about. She works tirelessly to find well maintained, used equipment for reduced costs. But even then, there is the added cost of shipping!
For example, transport chairs and wheelchairs cost $100 to about $135. Specialty wheelchairs are a different story. Their starting cost is $500 and they can go over $1,500.
Crutches start at $12 for children and go up to about $40. But these prices, like everything, continue to rise.
And while Lou and her team of dedicated volunteers provide all the manpower, there are shipping costs. Shipping can start at $15 for a simple pair of crutches, but then it goes up from there.
You can make sure that medical equipment is available at the clinic when needed. If you have donations, please email us at [email protected]. If you would like to help with the cost of medical equipment, please make a donation today.
The Altman Team!

The Altman Team had a fantastic trip in February. They provided 5 days of clinic seeing over 700 patients!
A Maintenance Crew comes along with the team every year. They were busy replacing a portion of the porch and some small jobs in Limön. In Icoteas they continue to work on updating all of the electrical and make plans for some future facilities.
Click here to see some photo highlights of their trip!

Mission Team Member Resources
Click here fot the Team Member Handbook
Watch the cultural awareness training with Gladis here
You can make your misson team payment here.