The Medical Referral Program relies heavily on building relationships with medical care providers throughout Honduras. There is a lot of return on our investent because relationships built improve health outcomes for patients in our villages.
As you know, healthcare in Honduras moves slowly. It can take months or even a year for a patient to complete lab tests or obtain an appointment with a specialist. When you have a patient in pain, the wait disrupts a diagnosis.
Sara Abigail was so concerned about her severe headache she took a bus 45 minutes to attend the first day of a mission team clinic. She had been having
headaches for more than two months. The pain was increasingly worse, and she had blacked out a few times.
Her symptoms greatly concerned the medical provider. The physical exam was not enough to diagnose Sara properly. She needed a CT scan. Because the provider would only be in Honduras for four days, he needed answers immediately.
Having a good relationship with the lab was such a blessing. They allowed a next-day appointment, extended credit, and had the results sent to the provider in less than 12 hours!
Sara and the provider were both relieved to have such quick answers. The provider was grateful to be able to develop a treatment plan with all of the information necessary.
Partnerships with the medical community in Honduras strengthen our ability to provide accurate and appropriate diagnosis. This allows for a better quality of care for patients. You make this happen every day!