5 Arrrsome Things September

Ahoy! It be National Talk Like a Pirate Day, matey! So, take a moment to learn about the ARRRsome
things happenin’ in Honduras!

Congratulations Yudy! 

I wanted to take a moment to celebrate some fantastic news that Yudy shared with us earlier this week. She received an email saying, “Congratulations on being nominated as a Fulbright candidate!”

Yudy and CHHF Board Member Mary Ellen Koenn in West Virginia, 2023

What a huge achievement for our very own Colón native. While Yudy is awaiting confirmation on which school she’ll be attending, she’s continuing to do amazing work with Leadership Mission International (LMI). She’ll also be traveling across the US to speak at various clubs and churches, sharing her journey and inspiring others.

In her words, “Both, CHHF and LMI have deeply impacted my life—one in health, and the other in education and professional development. CHHF has been part of my journey since my childhood.”

We are beyond proud of all that Yudy has accomplished, and we’re excited to see what incredible opportunities the future holds for her. Let’s all take a moment to cheer her on as she continues to make such a positive impact in the world!

Congrats, Yudy!

2025 Team Schedule is Available

We are still looking for a few more Team Leaders, so if you’re interested, please reach out! Also, be sure to connect with us or your Team Leader to start preparing for 2025.

Encourage your friends—whether they’re in the medical field or not—to take part in the 2025 mission.

A marketing campaign aimed at introducing the mission to dentists is in the works and will be available next week. You can use it to help spread the word to those key providers.

To see the full mission calendar, visit www.chhf.org/2025missions.

You Are Making a Difference! 

We all know how slowly things can move in Honduras—medical referral patients often wait months, even over a year, to see a specialist. But thanks to your ongoing support, we’re able to take quick action when it matters most, especially for underweight babies.

Just last month, a mission team provider identified that Suany, a baby from Bonito Oriental, was not reaching her developmental milestones and was very underweight.

Because of your generosity, we were able to step in right away, providing Suany with formula and diapers. Thank you for making this possible!

Honduran Independence Day

Celebrations took place all across Colón last weekend to mark the 202nd anniversary of Honduran independence on September 15. Parades and rallies filled the streets with pride and joy.

While we wish we could have joined the festivities, our dedicated team in Honduras had you in their thoughts—and they captured some great photos to share with you!

A Smile to Make Your Heart Skip a Beat!

For the past seven years, we’ve shared the story of Javier Christopher. He first came to the clinic as a 4-year-old with cerebral palsy, struggling with little strength, unable to hold his head or sit up. But thanks to your support through the medical referral program, Javier received the physical therapy and care he needed.

Your dedication has truly made a difference! This year, because of your intervention, Javier proudly walked in the parade with his class.

And just look at that smile! His pride shines through, all because you cared enough to make a lasting impact on Javier’s life.

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