National Day of Prayer

Sacred Connections:
The Pulse of the Community

Lift Up the Word – Lift up the World

Today is the National Day of Prayer encouraging everyone to lift up the word to make an impact on the world. How fitting for the work you and the mission do in Honduras. We have learned to trust in the power of prayer, so please pray with us today and every day this month, lifting up the word to make a difference for our neighbors in Honduras.

“For you are my lamp, O Lord, and my God lightens my darkness. For by You I can run against a troop, and by my God I can leap over a wall. This God – his way is perfect; the word of the Lord proves true; He is a shield for all who take refuge in Him”

– 2 Samuel 22:29-31

Please Pray With Us

Our only mission team in May will be departing on Friday, May 3 and will serve for a week in Limón. Please lift them up for their safety, their wisdom, and their gifts which will help heal the sick and needy in the community. 

Praise God for the generous gifts from churches to support the work of the mission. Their financial contributions are vital to the impact of the work and will be used in part  this year to continue to employ Honduran staff. Keeping our staff employed in Honduras greatly benefits the health of the community. 

Continue to pray for the patients in our medical referral program as they await specialty care for advanced medical issues. Ask God to protect them and their families as they work hard every day through their illnesses and keep them safe during their health journey.

Pray for Hazmar, a 14-year-old boy who has waited over 5 years for his second surgery to fix a congenital heart defect. He is a strong young man with a great future. His patience will be rewarded. He has a pre-op appointment this month and if all goes well, the surgery will be scheduled. 

Praise God for the hard work of the volunteers and committees who do the hard work of organizing and planning for growth. They are volunteers whose love of Honduras is amazing. Their collective power makes such a significant impact on the mission and on the community. Please pray for their continued commitment. 

And especially on the Day of Pray, lift up our partner organizations working to make healthcare more accessible for the Honduran people. Please pray for the staff and volunteers of AHMEN, Cruzades, Friends of Barnabas, Healthy Ninos, HELP, Operation Rainbow and all the other missions working in the community. 

Praise the Lord for CHHF’s dedicated volunteers who seek to bless others with their time, talent, resources, and influence. Thank God for all the ways they are changing lives around the world.

Thank you for faithfully supporting CHHF through your prayers.

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