CHHF Inspirations

Great News About the Inspiring Work Being Done Because of the Mission and Your Support

A young Black man

A Long Road to a Great Outcome

By pwsadmin | Aug 3, 2021

Benefiting from in-person medical teams, the medical referral program, and telemedicine, Felix was able to receive good news about the mass on his neck.

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A family holding a plastic bag full of supplies

Children Are Left Hungry

By pwsadmin | Dec 2, 2020

Thousands of people in Honduras lost their jobs and income because of the pandemic. Back-to-back hurricanes this fall caused destruction, ruined crops, and killed livestock. When families do not have enough to eat, parents must make difficult decisions. Araceli’s family has been devastated by the job loss caused by the pandemic. She did laundry and…

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A woman holding a banner

Pregnancy Prevention Program

By pwsadmin | Aug 12, 2020

Being a teenager in a rural area of Honduras is not easy. There are many risk factors for teen pregnancy. Honduran teens have many challenges and assume responsibilities that they should not be dealing at that age. Students tend to stop attending school at early ages, too. Only 31.7% of teens between 15-17 years old…

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Chhf mission moment poster with people standing in line image

Mission Moment ~ Gail Gillis

By pwsadmin | Jul 16, 2020

St. Francis said, “Preach the Gospel daily, use words if necessary.”  When you give a gift to the Carolina Honduras Health Foundation, you become a minister of healing.  Through your support, CHHF brings skills and knowledge, life-saving medications, relief of pain, hope, dignity and warm smiles to thousands of our Honduran brothers and sisters each year.  …

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A medical professional taking the temperature of a man

Become a Minister of Healing

By pwsadmin | Jul 12, 2020

St. Francis said, “Preach the Gospel daily, use words if necessary.” When you give a gift to the CarolinaHonduras Health Foundation, you become a minister of healing. Through your support, CHHF brings skills andknowledge, life-saving medications, relief of pain, hope, dignity and warm smiles to thousands of our Honduranbrothers and sisters each year. Whether you…

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A man (volunteer) and a young boy

“Stay and Be My Papa.”

By pwsadmin | Jul 9, 2020

As I look back on the past 10 years of mission work in Limón, Honduras, I reflect on one of the most frequently asked questions, “Do you feel sorry for the people down there?“ Don’t get me wrong, the citizens of Limón have needs, some of them tremendous. However, they are deserving of assistance, not…

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Support for Yan Carlos’ Medication Has Great Results

By pwsadmin | May 11, 2020

The village of Quesera is high in the mountains, one hour past the furthest remote clinic CHHF teams provide in Rio Miel. There are no paved roads leading to Quesera. To travel there you must cross the Tinto Negro River and follow small dirt roads, almost path like, with horse and foot the only means…

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Mission Moment ~ Chris Zawacki

By pwsadmin | Feb 10, 2020

My name is Chris and I worked for Dr. Gibson, the CHHF founder, for over 25 years. I made my first trip to serve in Limón in 1996. I have many wonderful memories from all my missions. One which always bring back a whole range of emotions happened early on. A young mother living in…

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A woman kissing the cheek of one of our medical volunteers

A Full Circle Moment

By pwsadmin | Feb 8, 2020

My name is Chris and I worked for Dr. Gibson, the CHHF founder, for over 25 years. I made my first trip to serve in Limón in 1996. I have many wonderful memories from all my missions. One which always bring back a whole range of emotions happened early on.   A young mother living in…

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